For which challenge in the renewable energy are you in need of a good transformer?
ELEQ transformers.
Renewable energy
Transformers for protection, measurement and revenue purposes. ELEQ transformers.
For more than 70 years now, ELEQ has been designing and manufacturing transformers for protection, measurement and revenue purposes. These transformers offer a compact, solid and safe solution. Also for the generation, transport and distribution of renewable energy. Renewable energy sources such as solar energy, wind, geothermal heat, biogas and water do not face air pollution issues, and have low CO2 emissions. Another advantage is that this kind of energy cannot deplete. If electricity is generated from such a natural source, it is called green energy.
We offer standard as well as custom-made transformers on the market. Custom-made transformers and a quicker developing market urges for quicker innovations on our behalf. We are perfectly able to respond to this, as we have our own Product Development Centre (PDC) to count on, as well as on our own production.
Specific application for renewable energy
Wind energy needs measurement, protection and revenue metering (billing). ELEQ transformers.
Wind is the result of uneven warming of the earth by the sun. Wind turbines thus get a rotational movement; this movement can be converted into electricity by using generators. Wind energy is clean, which we definitely needed in order to have a sustainable energy supply in the future. The generated energy is then transported by a network administrator, which ensures it ends up in the grid.
Depending on the required specifications, we offer a number of standard transformers for protection, measurement and revenue purposes concerning energy gained by wind.
Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for another solution for transforming wind energy.
Low voltage transformers
Split-core transformers
Medium voltage transformers
Solar energy needs measurement, protection and revenue metering (billing). ELEQ transformers.
Solar energy is energy that is extracted from the heat and light of the sun. For example, by using solar panels. These consist out of rows of solar cells. A solar cell is made of two layers of silicon. When light shines upon a solar cell, there will be an electric current between these two layers. However, this is direct current, and alternating current is needed for the energy grid. An transducer is able to convert this direct current into alternating current. It is possible to convert about 20% of this sunlight into electricity.
Depending on the required specifications, we offer a number of standard transformers for protection, measurement and revenue purposes concerning energy gained by solar.
Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for another solution for transforming solar energy.
Low voltage transformers
Split-core transformers
Medium voltage transformers
Water energy needs measurement, protection and revenue metering (billing). ELEQ transformers.
This type of energy (also called hydroelectric energy) is generated by the height difference of falling water or by the speed of running water. More than 10% of the electricity in the European Union is won by hydroelectric power. On a global level, it’s more than half. Energy is generated from hydropower by the gravity of the water. The harder the water stream, the more energy can be gained.
Depending on the required specifications, we offer a number of standard transformers for protection, measurement and revenue purposes concerning energy gained by water.
Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for another solution for transforming water energy.
Low voltage transformers
Split-core transformers
Medium voltage transformers
CHP energy needs measurement, protection and revenue metering (billing). ELEQ transformers.
Combined heat and power (CHP) can lead to a high-energy efficiency. When electricity is generated in power plants, heat is generated and will be lost as residual heat. A CHP can reuse this residual heat for heating tap water. This method achieves a return that is twice as high as compared to separate production of electricity and heat.
The operation of CHP is quite simple: a fuel turns a motor, which in turn turns an alternator into motion, and thus electricity can be produced. In addition, the alternator movements will also generate heat; this is cooled by a cooling liquid to prevent overheating. A heat exchanger recycles this heat from the cooling liquid and uses it to generate warm water. Additionally, the heat from the combustion gases is recovered via condensation and used for the production of hot water.
Depending on the required specifications, we offer a number of standard transformers for protection, measurement and revenue purposes concerning energy gained by CHP. Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for another solution for transforming CHP energy.
Low voltage transformers
Split-core transformers
Medium voltage transformers
Geothermal energy needs measurement, protection and revenue metering (billing). ELEQ transformers.
Geothermal heat is using heat that is released from the ground. The process of geothermal heat (geothermia) consists out of pumping warm water from a minimum depth of about 500 metres underground, to the surface. The deeper the drilling, the higher the temperature. A heat exchanger removes the heat from the pumped water, which is then delivered to a distribution network that will provide it to consumers. A giant advantage of geothermal heat is that it is immediately applicable. If the water temperature is high enough, there’s even a possibility to produce electricity.
Depending on the required specifications, we offer a number of standard transformers for protection, measurement and revenue purposes concerning energy gained by geothermal heat.
Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for another solution for transforming geothermal heat energy.
Low voltage transformers
Split-core transformers
Medium voltage transformers
Biogas energy needs measurement, protection and revenue metering (billing). ELEQ transformers.
Biogas is actually a gas mixture composed of methane and carbon dioxide. Biogas comes to be when organic matter (also called biomass) such as wood, vegetables, fruit and garden waste, sewage sludge and manure comes into a fermentation process. Biogas is a source of sustainable energy, and is often used as fuel in heat and power stations. Burning biomass can generate electricity and heat. Both power plants and waste incinerators use this process.
Depending on the required specifications, we offer a number of standard transformers for protection, measurement and revenue purposes concerning energy gained by biogas.
Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for another solution for transforming biogas energy.
Low voltage transformers
Split-core transformers
Medium voltage transformers

From market and/or customer request to product
No matter what kind of questions you have, our specialized experts will surely find the correct solution for every particular situation. We consider each question as a challenge to arrive at the perfect result. Since we have our own Product Development Centre (PDC), this solution is more than just a rough drawing.
Within our PDC, we have an own designers team to prepare a detailed outline, a 3D printer allowing us to realise prototypes on the spot, a tool shop and a semi-finished products department. This allows us to be fully flexible to work out your solutions. At the semi-finished products department we are able to produce ourselves every screw or bolt needed for the solution. Besides, we also have an own extruding department. Next, we assemble the products by means of our automated manufacturing department. We also have testing devices, allowing us to test the products when needed before shipping them. From every transformer test reports could be consulted through our website. In short, our process from market and/or customer challenge to solution has become trusted within the electro-technical field thanks to ELEQ’s precision.