Ø 4-15 cm
Rogowski coil
Rogowski coil 600A-5000A
The ELEQ Rogowski coils are flexible current transformers based on the Rogowski principle. Due to its specific features, they are an extremely comfortable solution for current measurement in a wide range of applications where traditional current transformers are not the adequate solution.
Class 1-A1

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Aafje Heinhuis, Inside Sales
+31 (0)521 533 333
General Technical Specifications
This product is designed to be safe under the following conditions:
Environmental conditions
Outdoor use
-40°C .. +75°C up to 2500A with 150…410 mm coil length; -40°C .. +60°C up to 5000A with 420…500 mm coil length
-40°C .. +90°C
0% .. 95%
Max. 2000m above sea-level
Application conditions
IEC 61010-1; IEC 61010-2-032; IEC 60529
50/60 Hz
Class 1-A1 according to IEC 61869-10
7400 VRMS / 5s
Ø 40-150 cm
Max measurable current: 600A…5000A depending on coil length. Check productsheet for more data.
The following downloads are available for this product.
Complementary goods
The following products complement this products in its use.
Rogowski coilDue to its specific features, the ELEQ Rogowski is an excellent solution for current measurement and can be used in a wide range of applications where traditional current transformers are not the adequate solution due to size, weight or due to limited access. ELEQ Rogowski coils have a wide range without saturation.100 mV / 1kAClass 1-A1
Multiscale Rogowski integratorThe multiscale Rogowski integrator is a current converter in a compact DIN rail enclosure. The integrator is provided with a push button for an easy scale selection, offering a wide range of applications with a single coil and integrator.100A ... 5000A