Energy needs measurement, protection and revenue metering (billing). ELEQ transformers.

High voltage DC (HVDC) are voltages of 20 to 30 kilovolts. Today, there are hundreds of marine cable connections with HVDC and these work very reliable. HVDC is highly efficient for transmitting large amounts of electricity over long distances and special applications.

HVDC connections can either be landed or dug or sealed as sea cables. Direct current through these cables goes unlike the alternating current which goes through the entire mains. For long distances, alternating current is not suitable because of the risk of the shine effect, induction between the cables and also the influence of water. This water will provide additional resistance to the cable and can ultimately lead to heat development and unprofitable cables. This is why the direct current is used for very long distances. To transformer this direct current transformers are needed.

Depending on the required specifications, we offer a number of standard transformers for protection, measurement and revenue purposes. Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for another solution for the transformation of energy.

Low voltage transformers
Medium voltage transformers
Bushing transformers

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Power transformer station

Energy needs measurement, protection and revenue metering (billing). ELEQ transformers.

Power transformers are of great importance at any high voltage station. This transformer causes the electrical voltage to change in size, which in turn allows connections with varying power supply voltages. Power transformers are transformers connected to the high voltage grid, which have the ability to transform power of more than 10MVA. They are usually placed in a substation. Most of the time, there are three-phase transformers with an operating principle similar to the one of a regular transformer.

Power transformers can work on both sides, this all depends on what side the power is supplied to. For power transformers, the big advantage is the massively high efficiency. In the case of large power transformers, all electrical power that comes into it also comes out as electricity. It is a fact that efficiency increases with size; therefore large power transformers are also the most profitable.

Within the power transformer the energy will be transformed to another energy level. Depending on the required specifications, we offer a number of standard transformers for protection, measurement and revenue purposes. Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for another solution for the transformation of energy.

Low voltage transformers
Medium voltage transformers
Bushing transformers

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Transformer station

Energy needs measurement, protection and revenue metering (billing). ELEQ transformers.

At transformer stations, the electricity is transformed for either increasing or decreasing an alternating voltage. The energy generated in the power plant is transformed to a high voltage. At this high voltage, the energy goes through to the off-take points. There, the voltage is reduced again and led to transformer stations in, for example, residential areas.

Depending on the required specifications, we offer a number of standard transformers for protection, measurement and revenue purposes. Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for another solution for the transformation of energy.

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Distribution station

Energy needs measurement, protection and revenue metering (billing). ELEQ transformers.

A distribution station is provided with one or several transformers; it is a drive meant to convert medium voltage to low voltage. A distribution station is functional and essential for public energy supply services. The location cannot just be determined and has to meet predefined location criteria. They must also be easily accessible, with safe and efficient maintenance accessibility.

Today, we see an increase in their use; they are often included in buildings or underground objects. This puts less strain on public spaces and they have disappeared out of sight.

Depending on the required specifications, we offer a number of standard transformers for protection, measurement and revenue purposes.

Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for another solution for the transformation of energy.

Low voltage transformers
Medium voltage transformers
Bushing transformers

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Electrical switching fields (MV)

Energy needs measurement, protection and revenue metering (billing). ELEQ transformers.

An electrical switching field, also called switch bay, in a high voltage station consists out of many high voltage components. At a switch station, electrical power changes direction. A high voltage station also consists out of several switch bays such as transformer bays, line bays, coupling bays and generator bays. A switch bay consists out of several high voltage connections: power switches, separators that keep components separate in order to work without voltage, earth grounding, current meters and voltage meters. The remaining equipment for monitoring, controlling and security is housed in field houses in the switchyard. To change directions transformers are needed.

Depending on the required specifications, we offer a number of standard transformers for protection, measurement and revenue purposes.

Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for another solution for the transformation of energy.

Low voltage transformers
Medium voltage transformers
Bushing transformers

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Electrical switching fields (LV)

Energy needs measurement, protection and revenue metering (billing). ELEQ transformers.

At a switch station, electrical power changes direction. A switch bay consists out of several connections: power switches, separators that keep components separate in order to work without voltage, earth grounding, current meters and voltage meters. The remaining equipment for monitoring, controlling and security is housed in field houses in the switchyard.

Depending on the required specifications, we offer a number of standard transformers for protection, measurement and revenue purposes.

Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for another solution for the transformation of energy.

Energy management line
Split-core transformers

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Sustainability in a municipality equals feasible energy goals.

Dutch municipalities gradually develop themselves to be greener. It is remarkable that over 65% of the municipalities are active in generating their own energy (solar, wind, water). There is a sense of sustainability and energy management; especially the larger municipalities (>100.000 residents) seem to be actively looking for the right structure for this. Setting up a policy is often not an obstacle to municipalities; the problem that often arises is the realisation of said policies and its organisation. To make this proces easier, we offer various standard hardware possibilities for energy management purposes in the market.

Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for a custom-made solution for energy management purposes.

Energy management line

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Wind energy needs measurement, protection and revenue metering (billing). ELEQ transformers.

Wind is the result of uneven warming of the earth by the sun. Wind turbines thus get a rotational movement; this movement can be converted into electricity by using generators. Wind energy is clean, which we definitely needed in order to have a sustainable energy supply in the future. The generated energy is then transported by a network administrator, which ensures it ends up in the grid.

Depending on the required specifications, we offer a number of standard transformers for protection, measurement and revenue purposes concerning energy gained by wind.

Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for another solution for transforming wind energy.

Low voltage transformers
Split-core transformers
Medium voltage transformers

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Solar energy needs measurement, protection and revenue metering (billing). ELEQ transformers.

Solar energy is energy that is extracted from the heat and light of the sun. For example, by using solar panels. These consist out of rows of solar cells. A solar cell is made of two layers of silicon. When light shines upon a solar cell, there will be an electric current between these two layers. However, this is direct current, and alternating current is needed for the energy grid. An transducer is able to convert this direct current into alternating current. It is possible to convert about 20% of this sunlight into electricity.

Depending on the required specifications, we offer a number of standard transformers for protection, measurement and revenue purposes concerning energy gained by solar.

Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for another solution for transforming solar energy.

Low voltage transformers
Split-core transformers
Medium voltage transformers

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Water energy needs measurement, protection and revenue metering (billing). ELEQ transformers.

This type of energy (also called hydroelectric energy) is generated by the height difference of falling water or by the speed of running water. More than 10% of the electricity in the European Union is won by hydroelectric power. On a global level, it’s more than half. Energy is generated from hydropower by the gravity of the water. The harder the water stream, the more energy can be gained.

Depending on the required specifications, we offer a number of standard transformers for protection, measurement and revenue purposes concerning energy gained by water.

Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for another solution for transforming water energy.

Low voltage transformers
Split-core transformers
Medium voltage transformers

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