
Energy measurement in shops

Insights in energy usage in shops give information where energy flows. Depending on market requests, we offer various standard hardware possibilities for energy measurement purposes on the market. Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for a custom-made solution for energy measurement purposes.

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Electrical switching fields (MV)

Energy needs measurement, protection and revenue metering (billing). ELEQ transformers.

An electrical switching field, also called switch bay, in a high voltage station consists out of many high voltage components. At a switch station, electrical power changes direction. A high voltage station also consists out of several switch bays such as transformer bays, line bays, coupling bays and generator bays. A switch bay consists out of several high voltage connections: power switches, separators that keep components separate in order to work without voltage, earth grounding, current meters and voltage meters. The remaining equipment for monitoring, controlling and security is housed in field houses in the switchyard. To change directions transformers are needed.

Depending on the required specifications, we offer a number of standard transformers for protection, measurement and revenue purposes.

Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for another solution for the transformation of energy.

Low voltage transformers
Medium voltage transformers
Bushing transformers

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Electrical switching fields (LV)

Energy needs measurement, protection and revenue metering (billing). ELEQ transformers.

At a switch station, electrical power changes direction. A switch bay consists out of several connections: power switches, separators that keep components separate in order to work without voltage, earth grounding, current meters and voltage meters. The remaining equipment for monitoring, controlling and security is housed in field houses in the switchyard.

Depending on the required specifications, we offer a number of standard transformers for protection, measurement and revenue purposes.

Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for another solution for the transformation of energy.

Energy management line
Split-core transformers

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Sustainability in a municipality equals feasible energy goals.

Dutch municipalities gradually develop themselves to be greener. It is remarkable that over 65% of the municipalities are active in generating their own energy (solar, wind, water). There is a sense of sustainability and energy management; especially the larger municipalities (>100.000 residents) seem to be actively looking for the right structure for this. Setting up a policy is often not an obstacle to municipalities; the problem that often arises is the realisation of said policies and its organisation. To make this proces easier, we offer various standard hardware possibilities for energy management purposes in the market.

Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for a custom-made solution for energy management purposes.

Energy management line

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TNO research shows 12% energy costs could be saved in hospitals.

Energy savings could especially be realised in the fields of lighting, ventilation and humidification. The survey shows that some hospitals could earn about half a million euros a year by saving energy. Hospitals in different locations deal with their energy usage and its management in different ways. There are hospitals whose facilities are switched on 24/7 and where the temperature is not properly adjusted. For example, a policlinic or surgery does not have to be heated or ventilated constantly. Another common issue is that in many hospitals, just one main meter is installed. When there are no additional meters installed in the building, there is no oversight on energy fluxes in the rest of the building. To get more insights into energy usage we developed split-core current transformers, small IEC transformers to mount on a three phase circuit breaker and our easy voltage taps, mountable in retrofit installations.

Depending on market requests, we offer various standard hardware possibilities for energy management purposes on the market. Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for a custom-made solution for energy management purposes.

Energy management line

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Large energy savings can be achieved in offices.

Office buildings are the users that account for approximately half of the global energy consumption and its associated CO2 emission. Real estate owners of offices with a high-energy consumption must strive to make their properties more sustainable and therefore more economical. The investment in energy management systems ultimately pays off by saving on energy costs. Meters can be installed in a building; these could continuously measure the usage and pass this information on to the building management system. To mount those meters we developed split-core current transformers, small IEC transformers to mount on a three phase circuit breaker and our easy voltage taps. 

Depending on market requests, we offer various standard hardware possibilities for energy management purposes on the market. Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for a custom-made solution for energy management purposes.

Energy management line

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Energy savings in retail

Retail shops often use more energy than necessary due to other priorities. When meters will be installed in shops, continuously measurement of the usage is easily possible. Also to pass this information on to the building management system. To install those meters we developed split-core current transformers, smallest IEC transformers to mount on a three phase circuit breaker and our easy voltage taps. 

Depending on market requests, we offer various standard hardware possibilities for energy management purposes in the market. Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for a custom-made solution for energy management purposes.

Energy management line

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Energy measurement in communities

For municipalities that have invested in energy-saving projects, it is very important to visualise the energy consumption. In order to realise their energy-neutral future, municipalities wish to save energy and generate sustainable energy. They attempt to do so with their partners: the residents, businesses, housing corporations and local energy companies.

This is achieved by launching energy saving projects aimed at energy conservation and generating local sustainable energy and delivering it directly to the residents. The sustainability ambition of municipalities consists out of an energy target and a CO2 target. Not only is this beneficial for the environment, it can also lead to a decrease in housing taxes. To get more insights the energy usage should be measured.

Depending on market requests, we offer various standard hardware possibilities for measurement purposes on the market. Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for a custom-made solution for energy measurement purposes.

Energy Management Line
Low voltage transformers
Analog measurement instruments

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Energy measurement in hospitals

Hospitals have wide varieties of installed equipment. A hospital also wants to have insight in the abilities and qualities of the installation. Each individual device has a certain effect on the energy flux that runs through the installation. Regularly scheduled energy measurement maps where any possible problems could occur in the installation, or where energy could be saved, and finally which saving options are available.

Due to the price increases of water and energy, as well as new environmental regulations, buildings are required to handle the consumption of these products more effectively. Consumption savings can be achieved by controlling, monitoring and measuring both liquid and thermal energy fluxes.

Depending on market requests, we offer various standard hardware possibilities for energy measurement purposes in the market. Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for a custom-made solution for energy measurement purposes.

Energy Management Line
Low voltage transformers
Analog measurement instruments

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Energy measurement in offices

One must know how energy efficient an office building is before any energy savings are possible. It is essential to first detect any kind of wastage based on actual energy usage, which is measured on the main meters. Possible energy waste must be found and traced back. Measurements must be taken in case more energy is used than strictly necessary. Inefficiencies in practical energy use (the operational side) must be detected. With this information, you can then take the right energy-savins. To measure the energy our analog measurement instruments and transformers can be installed.

Depending on market requests, we offer various standard hardware possibilities for energy measurement purposes on the market.

Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for a custom-made solution for energy measurement purposes.

Energy Management Line
Low voltage transformers
Analog measurement instruments

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