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Solar panels

Besides our reliable, accurate and safe measuring, protecting and connecting of electrical energy, ELEQ now also generates energy!

Since 31 October 2012 we generate electricity through solar panels on our location in Kerpen. In total we have 1084 solar panels with a total surface of 1791 m². With those solar panels we can generate 36% of the required energy we need in Kerpen. In brief, ELEQ not only helps you to become more energy efficient, we also produce our product with more durable energy!

ELEQ, part of a smart world

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Energy Management
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Transport & Distribution

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Connection boxes
Energy Management
Measuring equipment

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ELEQ Customized transformer concept for transformer station

The transition from a fossil energy-based central energy system to a sustainable decentralized system requires a lot from the electricity network. Network operator Enexis is taking the next step towards digitization and data-driven asset management by placing sensors in its medium-voltage stations. The data collected here supports the network operator in monitoring his network, in making smart investment decisions and in implementing smart maintenance. This digitization makes it easier for municipalities and private individuals to make their energy consumption more sustainable.

Like any government company, Enexis is obliged to publicly tender its tenders. Because the network company expects to use Distribution Automation (DA) and Distribution Automation Light (Dali) boxes for a long period of time, the Enexis experts paid a lot of attention to make the Dali box future-proof. Kohlmann: “Of course we have accurately described the specifications with regard to functionality. We also opted for an open system that in principle can handle all type of data protocols. The risk of a vendor lock is more present with data communication systems than with most hardware that we use in our networks. Also the dynamics of these types of systems are very different from what we are used to as they age faster. Besides being open, the system is also quite flexible, so that we can easily add new sensors if we need them in the future.”

Current Transformers

One of the contributions to the Dali box came from ourselves. Our account manager Wim van Turennout: “We originally registered for a small but important part of the Dali box: the connection by using current transformers.”

After the contract was allowed to us, we thought we could help Enexis speed up the installation. Van Turennout: “You cannot just switch off a medium voltage station to install a Dali box. The Dali box must be mounted and connected in an operational medium-voltage station. For example, offering phase voltages and currents, but also taking over the control of public lighting and the tariff signal. Considering the amount of cabling, connecting is often a challenge. Apart from the fact that it is difficult to work in the often tight spaces, mistakes are also made quickly during connecting. Our proposal was to use special connectors for the current transformers that indicate which codes should be mounted to which phase. Subsequently, a technician only needs to follow the color codes to ensure a good connection of the current transformers. With this quite simple solution, we save technicians a lot of research work and the number of recovery actions afterwards is reduced.

Easier to assemble

In addition to the current, the voltage must be measured. For voltage measurement we provide a clamp that is easy to clamp onto the rail with the help of an isolated socket wrench which is also safer than an unsecured wire to a terminal strip, thanks to the built-in fuse. We had already developed this voltage measurement clamp for a similar concept. Again, we came up with a solution that simplifies mounting the Dali boxes, making installation a lot faster.

We like to think along with our customers and use the expertise that we build up to make their work more efficient and safer. The energy transition is a very complex exercise that requires the utmost of the knowledge and skills of the energy market. We as supplier can transfer experience from one network operator to another and thus contribute to keeping the electricity network affordable.”

Also looking for a customized transformer concept? Contact us for more information.

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Craftsmanship and expertise

For more than 70 years ELEQ has been offering craftsmanship and expertise in electrotechnical applications. We do not only use this gathered knowledge to work continuously together with customers on new products, innovations and smart solutions, but also by participating in research.

Recently PAC World Magazine published a study where our engineer Douwe Baars contributed to together with ABB. The subject of this study is the influence of an external magnetic field on a ring-core Current Transformer which can, for example, be applied in power transformers or switchgear.

In short the study stated that under certain conditions an external magnetic field is able to saturate the core of a ring core current transformer locally. A significant peak current can be generated by the secondary winding at the instant of switching on an external magnetic field, e.g. due to the asymmetrical inrush current of a power transformer. This undesired peak current might trip the protection system. A winding for flux compensation can prevent this peak current almost completely.

Interested and looking for more information? Contact us through [email protected] or by phone via +31 (0) 521 533 333.

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ELEQ, part of a smart world

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Energy management systems

ELEQ designs and manufactures solutions for measuring, protecting, and connecting electrical energy. Decentralized generation, technological advances, and the search for sustainable energy mean that measurement and protection will become increasingly important. ISO 50001 contains clear guidelines on achieving structural energy savings.

Government regulations also have a strong influence on responsible use of energy. As of December 2015, large companies (>250 employees or >EUR 50 million turnover) in the Netherlands will be required to conduct an energy audit every four years in order to reach the European goal of a 20% energy reduction by 2020. Large companies in Germany with an effective energy management system will see a portion of their energy tax returned. These measures ensure that more and more of these management systems are put into place.

Because this often takes place in existing situations and the space is often limited, ELEQ has launched a new energy management product line consisting of a number of smart solutions for connecting and measuring electricity using split-core current transformers and sensors, really small current transformers, or a combination of current and voltage. ELEQ has also developed and launched a whole line of fused voltage taps.

In order to stay up to date on the possibilities and challenges involved in setting up a good and safe energy measurement, we have various energy management systems actively running at our branches. This has a number of benefits:

1)      We can measure our own usage and manage accordingly

2)      We can test our own products for usability, ease of installation, and quality

3)      We can fine-tune our product development to better suit the market

These systems will be used to properly respond to innovations and developments in the future.

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Even faster the best solution

Beside producer of our end-products, we also produce a large amount of our tools and semi-finished products. To be able to produce our innovative end-products even faster, ELEQ has introduced a 5-axis milling device, the Hermle C 30 UP + PW800 since the start of 2014.

The Hermle can be used for complex mechanical treatments for a large range of metals and plastics. This makes us able to create tools even faster, to produce semi-finished and end-products with. Altogether, due to this equipment, we are capable to produce complex products even faster for our customer. At ELEQ, we never go for the simplest solution, but for the best solution, for you, as our customer.

ELEQ, Part of a Smart World

Application field
Energy Management
Marine & Industry
News & Events
Public Area
Transport & Distribution

Product category
Connection boxes
Energy Management
Measuring equipment

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