Bus shelters and billboards

Information point that needs power supply for lighting or for dynamical applications. ELEQ connection boxes.

The possibilities for outdoor advertising in public areas is increasing. Thanks to the versatile application possibilities of billboards, information of the advertising world but also information of (tourist) organisations, towns and municipalities can be displayed along access roads, shipping routes or in the town centre. In order to have the various information scrolled automatically on the board, a power supply is mandatory. On top of this, also bus shelters are used more and more for outdoor advertising purposes. Apart from scrolling information, there is often a power supply needed to light the objects.

Depending on the object and the requests, we offer a number of standard possibilities for connecting and if requested also for metering objects.

Our standard connection boxes for bus shelters and billboards are suitable for 400V, 50Hz and are secured up to 25A maximum. Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for another solution for connecting bus shelters or billboards.

Connection boxes
Stainless steel boxes
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Charging stations

Charging point that needs power supply in order to charge electric cars. ELEQ connection boxes.

Anyone owing an electric car, motor or scooter can charge his vehicle at a charging point. Charging stations are located on strategical points, such as parking areas and parking garages, but more and more electric cars are now charged at home as well.

Depending on the charging speed of the charging point, the charging station will need a certain voltage supply and consequently needs to be protected by means of an certain amperage. Our standard connection boxes for charging stations are suitable for 400V, 50Hz and are secured up to 25A maximum.

Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for another solution for connecting charging stations.

Connection Boxes
Stainless Steel Boxes
Related products

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Telecom connection needs a power supply. ELEQ connection boxes.

Thanks to the development of technologies, a growing number of Telecom connections can be housed now in the street power supply boxes of the local district. As these street power supply boxes are more compact than the former specimens, the power supply also needs to be connected in a more compact solution.

Depending on the object and the requests, we offer a number of standard possibilities for connecting and if requested also for metering objects. Our standard connection boxes for telecom are suitable for 400V, 50Hz and are secured up to 25A maximum.

Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for another solution for connecting telecom.

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Sewage Systems & Pumps

Sewage systems and pumps need a power supply. ELEQ connection boxes.

Our sewage systems are becoming smarter. Monitoring and managing the water level are just some examples. For this purpose, the sewage system and associated pump need a power supply.

Depending on the object and the requests, we offer a number of standard possibilities for connecting and if requested also for metering objects. Our standard connection boxes for sewage systems and pumps are suitable for 400V, 50Hz and are secured up to 25A maximum.

Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for another solution for connecting sewage systems and pumps.

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Gas connection needs a power supply. ELEQ connection boxes.

Public areas have a lot of street cabinets in which the gas connection is housed.

Depending on the object and the requests, we offer a number of standard possibilities for connecting and if requested also for monitoring the objects. Our standard connection boxes for gas connections are suitable for 400V, 50Hz and are secured up to 25A maximum.

Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for another solution for connecting gas connections.

Connection Boxes
Stainless Steel Boxes
Related products

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Wind energy needs measurement, protection and revenue metering (billing). ELEQ transformers.

Wind is the result of uneven warming of the earth by the sun. Wind turbines thus get a rotational movement; this movement can be converted into electricity by using generators. Wind energy is clean, which we definitely needed in order to have a sustainable energy supply in the future. The generated energy is then transported by a network administrator, which ensures it ends up in the grid.

Depending on the required specifications, we offer a number of standard transformers for protection, measurement and revenue purposes concerning energy gained by wind.

Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for another solution for transforming wind energy.

Low voltage transformers
Split-core transformers
Medium voltage transformers

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Solar energy needs measurement, protection and revenue metering (billing). ELEQ transformers.

Solar energy is energy that is extracted from the heat and light of the sun. For example, by using solar panels. These consist out of rows of solar cells. A solar cell is made of two layers of silicon. When light shines upon a solar cell, there will be an electric current between these two layers. However, this is direct current, and alternating current is needed for the energy grid. An transducer is able to convert this direct current into alternating current. It is possible to convert about 20% of this sunlight into electricity.

Depending on the required specifications, we offer a number of standard transformers for protection, measurement and revenue purposes concerning energy gained by solar.

Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for another solution for transforming solar energy.

Low voltage transformers
Split-core transformers
Medium voltage transformers

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Water energy needs measurement, protection and revenue metering (billing). ELEQ transformers.

This type of energy (also called hydroelectric energy) is generated by the height difference of falling water or by the speed of running water. More than 10% of the electricity in the European Union is won by hydroelectric power. On a global level, it’s more than half. Energy is generated from hydropower by the gravity of the water. The harder the water stream, the more energy can be gained.

Depending on the required specifications, we offer a number of standard transformers for protection, measurement and revenue purposes concerning energy gained by water.

Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for another solution for transforming water energy.

Low voltage transformers
Split-core transformers
Medium voltage transformers

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Combined Heat and Power (CHP)

CHP energy needs measurement, protection and revenue metering (billing). ELEQ transformers.

Combined heat and power (CHP) can lead to a high-energy efficiency. When electricity is generated in power plants, heat is generated and will be lost as residual heat. A CHP can reuse this residual heat for heating tap water. This method achieves a return that is twice as high as compared to separate production of electricity and heat. 

The operation of CHP is quite simple: a fuel turns a motor, which in turn turns an alternator into motion, and thus electricity can be produced. In addition, the alternator movements will also generate heat; this is cooled by a cooling liquid to prevent overheating. A heat exchanger recycles this heat from the cooling liquid and uses it to generate warm water. Additionally, the heat from the combustion gases is recovered via condensation and used for the production of hot water.

Depending on the required specifications, we offer a number of standard transformers for protection, measurement and revenue purposes concerning energy gained by CHP. Please feel free to contact us and ask for the possibilities in case you are looking for another solution for transforming CHP energy.

Low voltage transformers
Split-core transformers
Medium voltage transformers

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